Selected Talks and Conference Papers
“Forgetting Fundania? Gender and Labor in Varro's De Re Rustica and the Triumviral Period”, The Labours, Role, and Control of Women in Ancient Didactic Texts, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 and HiSoMA, Lyon, France, June 5-6, 2025.
“Rome's Terra Incognita: Toponymic Commemoration and the Tomb of the Haterii”, Oxford Epigraphy Workshop, University of Oxford, UK, June 2, 2025.
“Not that “chill and mature terrorist”: Nero iuvenis and Augustus puer”, Ages of Nero: Reality and Receptions, 19th Trends in Classics conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, May 22-24, 2025.
“Making Roman Youths at Pompeii: The Ethics of Appropriation from Guglielmo Plüschow to Matteo Della Corte,” Classics Colloquium, University of Pennsylvania, April 10, 2025.
“Between the Colonies and Rome: Freedpeople and a Displaced Sense of “Home”?”, at Home and Displacement: Perspectives from the Ancient Mediterranean and West Asia (6th Century BCE-2nd Century CE), Middelfart, Denmark, January 31–February 1, 2025.
“The Queer Bonds of Slavery: Queer Funerary Monuments and Roman Freedpeople,” Queer Families in the Ancient Mediterranean, Lambda Classical Caucus (LCC) panel, Society for Classical Studies Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, January 2-5, 2025.
“Lost and Found in Ancient Rome,” Tuesday Talks, Society of Fellows of the American Academy in Rome, October 15, 2024. [Watch a recording here. Note: this was a general audience talk for non-specialists].
“Not In His Own Words: The Ethics of Speech Writing in the Roman Republic,” Crafting a Lie. Forgeries in the Classical Tradition, Sapienza Università di Roma, Rome, May 8-10, 2024.
“The Body Work and Biohacking of the Boy: Body Hair, Somatic Technologies and the Enslaved Puer in the Roman Empire,” Slavery and Technology in Greco-Roman Worlds, University of California - Davis, January 26-27, 2024.
“Reading Rome through Death,” Keynote speaker, Critical Antiquities Network graduate seminar, Reading Rome, Rome, June 30, 2023.
“Unmapping Rome: Wayfinding toward subaltern topographies and spatiality in the Roman city,” Babcock Lecture Series, Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies (ICCS), Rome, April 12, 2023.
“Re-thinking the bearded portraits of the Julio-Claudian family: The depositio barbae from subaltern ritual to dynastic event?” Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica, Rome, March 27, 2023.
with Elle Pérez “RITES,” Shoptalk (short film and conversation), The American Academy in Rome, March 20, 2023.
“Transphobia and the trans* man in the tribas,” Classics and Ancient History Seminar, Durham University, UK, March 9, 2023.
“Wayfinding toward Subaltern Topographies of Ancient Rome,” Classics and Ancient History Work in Progress Seminar, Warwick University, UK, March 8, 2023.
“Transphobia and the trans* man in the tribas,” Conforming, Reforming, Trans*forming: Interrogating the Intersections of Trans Studies and Classics, Lambda Classical Caucus (LCC) Panel, 2023 Annual Meeting of the Society for Classical Studies, New Orleans, January 5-8, 2023.
“Slaves to Rome, Freedmen to the Colonies: Freedmen and Colonization in the Middle Republic,” Anchoring Ancient Colonization, Groningen University, Netherlands, December 1-2, 2022.
“Same-Sex Rape in the Roman Military: Catullus (c. 15, 28) and the Poetics of Homosociality,” Ancient Rape Cultures: Graeco-Roman and Judeo-Christian, Institutum Romanum Finlandiae (The Finnish Institute in Rome), October 27-28, 2022.
“The aedileship, the agricultural handbook and the villa from Cato the Elder to Varro.” AgroCCol conference, Text and Practice: Interdisciplinary Dialogues on the Status of the Agricultural Treatise, HiSoMa – Lyon, France, June 1-3, 2022.
“Notes from the Post-Classics Future: Classics without its core?”, Res Difficiles 2022: A Digital Conference on Challenges and Pathways for Addressing Inequity in Classics, May 20, 2022 [online].
“Slaves to Rome, Freedmen to the Colonies: Freedmen, Citizenship and Colonization in the Middle Republic.” Association of Ancient Historians (AAH) annual meeting, University of California San Diego, April 28, 2022. [online]
with Elena Isayev, “Displacement and the Role of the Humanities: Towards a Manifesto?”, Mediterranean Displacements Project, Rutgers University – Newark, April 27, 2022. [online webinar]
“The Puer in the Princeps.” Respondent: Amy Richlin (UCLA). Lees Seminar, Rutgers University – Camden, March 25, 2022. [online]
“Wayfinding towards Subaltern and Shared Topographies of the Roman City,” Art and Archaeology of the Mediterranean World (AAMW) graduate program, University of Pennsylvania, March 4.
“Beyond the city walls: Varro, the aedileship and the villa,” Australasian Society for Classical Studies (ASCS) annual conference 43, Hobart, February 8-11, 2022. [online]
“On seeing the queer in antiquity”, artist talk for Alexander Mansour exhibition, Commonweal Gallery, Philadelphia, December 10, 2021.
“Getting Lost and Finding Yourself in Ancient Rome,” Department of Classics, Princeton University, December 9, 2021.
“Seeing Rome from the Streets: Wayfinding towards a Subaltern Topography of the City of Rome,” Department of Greek, Latin, and Classical Studies, Bryn Mawr College, October 1, 2021.
“Wayfinding among the Living and the Dead: Monuments, Prepositions and Spatial Identities at Rome.” at The Spatial Turn in Roman Studies II, Durham University, UK, December 2-3, 2020. [online].
“Street View: Monuments, Prepositions and the Creation of Spatial Identities at Rome.” at North American Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy (NACGLE), Washington D.C., January 5-7, 2020.
“Rome’s Next Generation: Youth Agency in the Late Republic and Augustan Age.” at Taking the lead in late Republican and early Imperial Rome: office, agency and initiative, University of Bielefeld, Germany, July 15-16, 2019.
“Upending Age Models: Octavian from puer to iuvenis.” at The Roman Civil Wars of 49-30 BCE: Analyzing the Breakdown of Models, The British School at Rome, Italy, July 22-24, 2019.
"Fashioning an imperial aetas: Nero's portrait, the depositio barbae, and the Iuvenalia." at Archaeological Institute of America Annual Meeting (January 4-7), Boston, January 5, 2018.
"Fashioning an imperial aetas: Nero's portrait, the depositio barbae, and the Iuvenalia." at Ages, Ageing, and Old Age in Greco-Roman Antiquity, VIII Arachne Conference, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, October 25-27, 2017.
"Growing the State: The cult of Iuventas in the Middle Republic and Augustan Rome." at Religion and the State in Classical Greece and Rome, Princeton University, September 22-23, 2017.
“The Pygmy Motif as Somatic Spectacle: Somatic Dialogues in the House of the Menander, Pompeii.” at Archaeological Institute of America Annual Meeting (January 6-8), Toronto, Canada; January 8, 2017. Open session.
“Acting Your Age on the Roman Stage: The Plautine Adulescens in Middle Republican Rome.” at Society for Classical Studies Annual Meeting, (January 6-8), Toronto, Canada; January 6, 2017. Open session.