N.B. Papers currently in progress or under review are not listed here in order to preserve the integrity of the peer review process.
In preparation, Youth and Power: Acting Your Age in the Roman Empire (149 BCE – 79 CE).
Under contract, (eds) S. Ferruh Adalı, B. Gray, E. Isayev, E. Jewell, T. Kaçar, L. Mazurek, J. Mokrišová, Mobility in Antiquity: Rethinking the Ancient World through Movement. Routledge Rewriting Antiquity series.
(ed.) with Isayev, E. (2017-23), Displacement and the Humanities: Manifestos from the Ancient to the Present, Special Issue of Humanities 6 (3). 414pp. Open-Access. Print version now available.
Articles and Book Chapters (* = Peer-Reviewed)
(forthcoming 2026), “Beyond the City Walls: The Extra-Urban Role of the Aedile in Middle Republican Rome and Cato’s De Agricultura,” Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte, vol. 75.1 (38pp.).*
(forthcoming 2025), “Of Aediles and Villas: Aedilician Presences and Absences in Varro’s De Re Rustica,” Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome, vol.69.*
(forthcoming 2025), “Wayfinding in the Roman City: A Subaltern Spatial Modality,” special issue of Antichthon, vol. 58 [2024], eds. Maxine Lewis and Amy Russell.*
(2023), with Elena Isayev, Gerawork Teferra Gizaw and Marcia Schenck, "On Displacement and the Humanities—An Introduction," in Isayev, E. and Jewell, E. (eds), Displacement and the Humanities: Manifestos from the Ancient to the Present, Special Issue of Humanities 12(4), 81: 1-19. Open-access.
(2023), “Remembering Differently: The exemplarity of populares as a site of ideological contest in late Republican oratory.” in Dinter, M. & Guérin, C. (eds), Cultural Memory in Republican and Augustan Rome. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 183-202.*
(2023), “Concepts of Youth,” in Laes, C. & Vuolanto, V. (eds), A Cultural History of Youth in Antiquity. Bloomsbury Press: London, 15-40.
(2020), "Fashioning an imperial aetas: Nero's portrait, the depositio barbae, and the Iuvenalia.” in de Angelis, F. (ed.), Emperors in Images, Architecture, and Ritual: Augustus to Fausta. Selected Papers on Ancient Art and Architecture (SPAAA), vol.5, Archaeological Institute of America (AIA): Boston, M.A, 17-40.*
(2019), “(Re)moving the Masses: Colonisation as Domestic Displacement in the Roman Republic.” in Isayev, E. and Jewell, E. (eds), Displacement and the Humanities: Manifestos from the Ancient to the Present, Special Issue of Humanities 6 (3). Open Access: Download here.*
(2018), “Like father, like son? The dynamics of family exemplarity and ideology in (fragmentary) Republican oratory.” in van der Blom, H., Gray, C., & Steel, C. (eds), Institutions and Ideology in Republican Rome: speech, audience, and decision. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 267-282.*
Reviews: Sehepunkte 19 (2019) 7/8 - F. Knopf. Ancient History Bulletin (2019) 9 - L. Hodgson. JRS (2020) - R. Morstein-Marx.
(2012), with Angela Brew, “Enhancing quality learning through experiences of research-based learning: Implications for academic development,” International Journal for Academic Development 17: 47-58.
Book Reviews
(2021), review in Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2021.08.07 of: Loar, Matthew, Sarah Murray and Stefano Rebeggiani (eds), (2019), The cultural history of Augustan Rome: texts, monuments, and topography. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press. Available here: https://bmcr.brynmawr.edu/2021/2021.08.07/
Review Articles
(2016), “Another social history of Roman “youth”, with questions about its restlessness”, Journal of Roman Archaeology, 29: 642-650. Review of: Laes, C. & Strubbe, J. (2014), Youth in the Roman Empire. The Young and the Restless Years? Cambridge University Press.
Response from C. Laes in Saelesianum 79 (2017) 717-732.
Public Scholarship and Media
Panelist on, BBC World Service radio show, The Forum, “Nero: Bad Boy of Ancient Rome,” April 28, 2022.
“The Classicists in the History Department: Do We Face a Post-Classics Future?”, American Historical Association, Perspectives Daily, September 28, 2021. Named one of the publication’s “most popular articles of 2021”